Command line parameters

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The following command line parameters can be used with Password Manager XP:




/Add:"<fields data>"

Adds new record to passwords database.

<fields data> describes data to be added in the following format:


field_name is a name of database's field. The following field names can be used:

Title, User, Account, URL, Password, Description, Expires.


Name of passwords database.


Password for database, specified by DbName parameter. If password is not specified it will be prompted.


Name of folder inside database, specified by DbName parameter. If folder is not specified, the root folder will be used.


Allows to review or edit data before adding new record.


Do not display any information messages.



PwdManager.exe /add:"Title=My FTP password, User=jonh, Password=12345678, Expires=12/01/2010" /DbName="My Passwords"

This command will add new record to database My Passwords and will prompt you for its password if needed. An information message will be displayed at end.

PwdManager.exe /add:"Title=My FTP password, User=jonh, Password=12345678" /DbName="My Passwords" /DbPassword=mypassword /DBFolder=Web /silent

This command will add new record to database My Passwords to folder Web. The mypassword password will be used to open the database. No information messages will be displayed.

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